lundi 10 décembre 2012

Tajine of meat with Fried Potatoes

Tajine of meat with Fried Potatoes


2 kilogram of meat preferably shoulder
Potatoes for frying  
Red Olive 
Lemon Pickle 
Teaspoon ginger 
Black or white pepper 
Little saffron 
3 tablespoons of olive oil 
Clove garlic 
Juice of one lemon 
Chopped onion
Chopped parsley 


We take the meat with spices and put it in the tagine
Move the pieces of meat to absorb the sauce for 5 minutes and then add a little water and cover the tagine that the meat is cooked and from time to time, increase the amount of water if less water in the latter add olives and cut lemons
We are in the meantime we prepared for fried potatoes  


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