samedi 15 décembre 2012

Moroccan "Harira" recipe

Moroccan Harira recipe 

Ingredients:Quarter of a kilo of meat sheep or calf to taste chopped into small cubes125 grams lentils125 grams dried chickpeas soaked in water for 12 hours and then peel½ cup minced celery½ cup minced parsley green½ cup chopped green coriander2 medium-sized onions chopped wellHalf a kilo of tomatoes chopped in a blender125 grams of noodles very high125 grams of flour, white flour is mixed in a blender with a cup of waterQuarter cup of table oilTeaspoon of margarineTeaspoon black pepperTeaspoon ginger½ teaspoon cinnamon4 tablespoons of tomato Center - canned tomatoes -Tablespoon and a half of salt and, of course, salt to taste4 liters of water
PreparationKeep a large pot of size 8 liters over the firePut a quarter cup of oil, then add the meat and onions, parsley, coriander, celery, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and salt, stirring, of course, for five minutes, no more.

Then add tomatoes already mixed in a blender and add to the total chickpeas, lentils, ghee, and tomato and then put the water - 4 liters of water - and close the pressure cooker quick for an hour.Then cover and tend to leave pot over low heat too.Add noodles and flour already mixed in a blender and a good move.Leave the pot over the fire for half an hour over low heat with constant stirring.Then remove it from the fire, offer hot, of course.

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