mercredi 12 décembre 2012

Recipe of "Chabakya"

Recipe of "Chabakya" 


2 kilo flour
150 g almonds boiled, peeled and crushed
80 roasted sesame and ground
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 bags yeast chemical
2 eggs
Colorful diet
1 teaspoon yeast bread
2 tablespoons vinegar
4 tablespoons blossom water
40 Cl oil
 Few of the warm water of the dough


In a container have all the ingredients and mix by adding warm water 

Knead until a soft dough and divide into balls

Using a rolling pin, finely spread each ball, using a cutter and cut out rectangles Chabakya then twisted form as picture show

 Fry the cakes then dip them in warm honey for a few minutes, drain and sprinkle with sesame seeds 


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