mardi 11 décembre 2012

Recipe of ka'ab leghzal

Recipe of  ka'ab leghzal 


1 kg almonds 
a little of Gum Arabic (got from Arcacia)
450 g sugar
50 g butter
A little ground cinnamon
Half a cup blossom water
Teaspoon butter
A little salt
By flour mixture
Warm water


Peeled almonds and then milled.
Add sugar and re-milled.
Add a little cinnamon and Grab Almedkoukho teaspoon butter
Pulp packaging:
Mix flour, salt and butter and blossom water well and then add warm water until we get a soft dough.
Makes them balls let rest 10 minutes and then extended by one every even fell short cut as in the picture
Almond fingers placed above and encapsulate the dough then convexity fingers on a crescent-shaped

 Packaging on this form

 Cutting by this tool rack on this form

Then decorate if you want or needle hole 3 hole so as not to swell

Enter the pastry moderate oven temperature this is its final form


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