jeudi 13 décembre 2012

Recipe of "Ghriyba"

Recipe of "Ghriyba"


250 g peeled almonds and roasted in the oven with a little oil
Half a kilo drunk powder
Half a kilo of butter melted
2 kilo flour
2 yeast
Cup of Sesame
Cup of ground star anise
About oil Cup in order to collect the dough


First mix flour with a pinch of salt and melted butter until they become like sand. Leave it in the refrigerator for the whole night

When taken out of the freezer mixed with yeast and then we mixing by mixer

Add sesame, ground star anise and crushed almonds and then add the oil gradually until we get the dough
Keep the dough on a clean surface and then extended and we collect aspects as in the picture

We cut by the tool in the image and then we enter the oven at moderate temperature and watching it because they cook quickly

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